Gold Plates, Car in the shop, Speaking in Church

June 11, 2018

Overview of the week for your perusal since Elder Davis didn’t get to write it all out today: (GOLD PLATES are records of a missionary’s special experiences in the field that President Miller sends a few weeks before returning home…they require a big chunk of time to complete, on top of the 6 weeks of working on “My Plan”, which is recording the principles that have been learned in the mission field and how they apply to the challenges of post-missionary life!)

Monday-Carlos Puente
Tuesday-Ellwood and Ice Cream, Sister Belcourt
Wendesday-Dropped off the car, Meriden Library (My Plan), Brother Shean and Cassie ride, Hannah, Mutual Outdoor games,
Thursday-Service, Quesadilla’s, General Conference stories for talk, Weekly planning, Southington Historical Society, Keith at Friendly’s
Friday-Walk to the Church, Early Morning Seminary, District Meeting with Span. Elders teaching Temples and Family History, Got our car 🙂 Gold Plates at the Southington Library, Move with Roger and Vickie, Spanish Elders to drop off our clothes, home to shower and dinner.
Saturday-GOLD PLATES………………Elder Benson wrote his talk, Genesis and Elizabeth, Arby’s, Church to write talk, practiced musical number
Sunday-Finished talk with Elder Benson, Gave talks and musical number, Gospel Principles with Sister Asciuto and Jessica and cool drawing, Young Men with Carlos, Brother Florian related to Julian, Practice Duet with McKenna, BYC, Home, Evans to practice, food, coordination with Brother Evans, Brother Shean
Hey Everyone, this week has been one of learning. It has definitely been a slower work week with our car in the shop for a few days and some extra things going on, but some good things have still happened.
We were asked to give talks this week, and it was a really great process. Elder Benson was asked to speak on Covenants and did a great job.
I was asked to speak on Forgiveness and I hope I did a good job. The cool thing was that with the translation, they needed a typed out copy of the talk, so that is what we did.
We spent most of Saturday typing them up, and they turned out so well. I don’t know if I have ever given a better talk, maybe with the exception of the farewell talk my mom helped me hammer out.
I know that preparation brings confidence, the ability to be bold, and a clear message. We loved being able to bear our testimonies. It was wonderful.
Elder Davis

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